Q. EzPop is working fine at home, but I can't
get it to connect at work.
A1. Is there a firewall? If so, it's probably "blocking" EzPop. Ask your system administrator. Be sure to tell him how much more efficient you'll be with EzPop!
A2. If your mail account is web-based (Hotmail, Yahoo...), you must accept cookies in your web browser.
Q. I can't get EzPop to work. It tells me the file Wininet.dll is missing.
A. Wininet.dll is installed by MS Internet Explorer 4.0/5.0. If you don't want to install or upgrade to IE 4.0/5.0, copy the files Wininet.dll and Shlwapi.dll on another machine and paste them in your system folder.
Q. I can't get EzPop to work with Windows NT 4.0. It tells me the file Rasapi32.dll is missing.
A. Please upgrade to the version 2.6. Older versions of EzPop relied on the Dial-Up Networking, even if you had a LAN connection. That's history, now.
Q. I want a bigger message window!
A. The size of this window (like every other part of EzPop) is set by the skin designer. Try finding a skin more to your liking. Or better yet : design one yourself and share it with the world !
Q. I can't connect EzPop to the Internet/POP server (dialog box error).
A. Check these points :
If you checked all these points and still have this message, your mail server could be down or sloooooow responding. If the problem persists, write us .
Q. My default mail client is X or Y but I want EzPop to launch the Netscape e-mail client.
A. This one is easy : in the Options tab of the Config panel, check "Run custom mail client", then browse your hard drive and find netscape.exe. Then add ,-mail after netscape.exe and click on OK. Note : the default path is : c:\Program files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\netscape.exe
Q. How do I launch the Neoplanet e-mail client from EzPop ?
A. You can't yet :( Quoting
from the Neoplanet support :
"At this time, the NeoPlanet e-mail client is integrated into the browser itself,
and cannot be launched independently."
Q. May I have the sources of your program ?
A. No you can't.